Goodbye to Life as We Like it When the Greens Get in For Their Chop
Peter Walsh
[First published in The Australian, 6 August
Green politicians are a big force in Tasmania after the recent
state election in which they polled one of the best results for
a green party anywhere in the world. They hold the balance of
power in the WA Legislative Council and might be involved in the
New Zealand Labour Government. Last year they won a Senate seat
from the Australian Democrats in NSW. And with the decline or
demise of the Democrats, they may have a balance of power in the
This prospect is dangerous and could threaten our high living
In the 20th century, especially the second half, nearly two
billion people in the First World achieved a quality of life and
standard of living beyond the expectation---beyond even the imagination---of
any previous civilisation. The health, welfare and disposable
incomes of the overwhelming majority of people is superior to
that of the ruling class of any previous society.
Mass affluence is taken for granted, so much so that its origins,
the things that made it possible, are not recognised by many people
and denied by some.
Ignorance and delusion fostered by the affluent society may
yet be the seeds of its destruction.
What are the preconditions from which 20th-century affluence
Firstly, item of faith though it may be to many people, unions
contributed little and may even have had a negative impact. Unions
can and have affected the distribution of income, but until the
past century the margin above subsistence---what Marx called surplus
value---was too slender to support mass affluence.
In the Third World it still is. In subsistence agricultural
economies, where most labour is employed producing enough food
to feed the people (and periodically failing to do so), mass affluence
is not possible.
Huge growth in the productivity of agricultural labour (and
land) releases labour for other industries. Affluence is a function
of productivity. Factors that have boosted productivity include:
- Growth of scientific knowledge and its application to production
- Technical progress and innovation;
- Mechanisation;
- Capital accumulation;
- Market economies;
- International trade; and
- Fossil fuels producing cheap abundant energy.
All of those factors are condemned by green ideologues who,
if they could, would wind them back. They prefer secular religious
fundamentalism to scientific method. All technical innovation---unless
it is likely to have negative economic effects---induces campaigns
to ban it under the "precautionary principle".
Luckily for us our near or distant ancestors---though often
a bit superstitious---did not follow that absolutist nonsense.
Greens stridently assert that modern agriculture---which feeds
a vastly greater population much better than in any previous era
and at much lower cost---is "unsustainable" and must
be replaced by "organic" farming. They are oblivious
to the fact that the countries which practice organic farming
are the countries in which malnutrition and sporadic starvation
are endemic.
Green extremism is a threat to actual and potential mass affluence.
It seeks to deny affluence to the world's poor.
In countries which are already affluent, it poses a serious
threat to social and political stability. It has yet to be demonstrated
that liberal democracy can survive a sustained decline in per
capita income and living standards.
Those who believe Greens will never get the political power
to impose that outcome should look at their sabotage of the WA
timber industry.
For forty years Greens asserted the timber industry was biologically
unsustainable and destructive of biodiversity. Neither was true.
For 30 years more wood was grown than harvested. Despite repeated
challenges, green activists have been failed to name a single
species of flora or fauna destroyed by logging. In contrast. 30
to 40 species have disappeared from the Swan coastal plain on
which Perth was built.
For more than 100 years high rainfall-zone karri and marri
forests have been clear felled, burned and regenerated on the
ash beds, which give delicate seedlings nutrients and access to
sunlight. Clear felling and fire replicates the natural cycle
of fire and regeneration. Many of the most beautiful forests scattered
around the southwest have been regenerated in this way.
For 25 years governments from both sides have appeased strident
green demands to "protect old growth" and "high
conservation value"---the latter a term never objectively
defined---forests by banning logging. As more forests were locked
away, demands for all to be locked away become more strident.
Fanatics cannot be appeased, especially if they are applauded
by most of the media and, in this case, a sustained irresponsible
and culpably dishonest campaign by The West Australian
In 1999, the then Court Government repudiated the Regional
Forest Agreement it had signed only six weeks before. The then
Labor Opposition said it would ban all logging in old-growth forests.
Last year, a renegade Labor Government did that, paving the way
for sacking 1,000 vulnerable blue-collar workers and sabotaging
timber communities. With the honourable exception of the Australian
Workers Union, labour unions collaborated in selling out the people
they purport to represent.
And the "old growth forest" will not, cannot, be
saved. Indeed it is likely to be irreplaceable destroyed. One
century's old growth forest is the next century's dying, degraded
and dead forest.
The Marri Meander walking trail in Forest Park, one kilometre
from Northcliffe townsite, is a window to that future. It is very
old karri and marri forest with a dense understorey. The giant
old trees are falling down and, as every forester knows, are not
being replaced. They never will be unless fire destroys the understorey,
leaving behind the ash bed in which seeds can germinate and grow.
The present management plan designed by vain, selfish and ignorant
secular religious zealots, and against advice from professional
foresters, is to entirely exclude fire. Like US hawks in Vietnam,
they will save the forest by destroying it.
If Greens have blackmailing political power, it will be used
ruthlessly in pursuit of their twin objectives:
- A much smaller private economy and consequential decline
in income; and
- A bigger public sector with much higher spending on the environment,
education, public health and public sinecures for green activists.
The two aims are mutually exclusive.