Media Release
The Lavoisier Group
10 September 2002
'The more empirical evidence, observation and rigorous analysis
discredits the IPCC global warming hypothesis, the more strident
greenhouse industry assertions become', former Senator and Lavoisier
Group President Peter Walsh told the Group's Annual General Meeting
in Melbourne today.
'Satellite sensing---the most comprehensive and accurate method
of measuring global atmospheric temperature---has shown little
if any increase in global temperatures the 23 years for which
data has been recorded.' Mr Walsh said. 'At least for this period
and probably ever since the last cold snap (1800-1820) of the
Little Ice Age, global surface warming cannot be attributed to
the greenhouse effect.'
'Even if the scary scenarios used to prop up the Kyoto Protocol
were correct, and there was a real problem, Kyoto is certainly
not the answer. To stabilise atmospheric CO2'
at 1990 levels over the long term demands a 60--70 per cent reduction
in global 1990 emissions. The Kyoto 5 per cent reduction
target would, as even CSIRO's Dr Graham Pearman has acknowledged,
'make hardly any difference'. We have never been able to control
our naturally and sometimes rapidly changing climate in the past,
and the belief that we can do so today, by decarbonising our
economy (and impoverishing ourselves at the same time), is an
'In a letter to IPCC Chairman, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, former
Australian Statistician Ian Castles has recently shown that the
economic statistics on which IPCC models are built are at least
as flawed as the 'science'. The common denominator seems to be
a desire to prop up the pre-determined conclusions required by
those who sup from the climate change gravy train'.
Lavoisier the Man Bio and Image |
Click above for latest SOHO sunspot images. Click here for David Archibald on solar cycles. |
Where is that pesky greenhouse signature? Click here for David Evans's article. |