Climate Change: A Natural Hazard?: Book Launch Address
John W Zillman President, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
The publication of Bill Kininmonth's book ('Climate Change:
a Natural Hazard' by William Kininmonth, Multi-Science Publishing,
Essex, UK, 2004, 207 pp) provides a timely opportunity and, to
some extent also, an obligation on the expert climate community
to canvass afresh the basic messages that emerge from the science
of climate change.
The Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering
(ATSE) is committed to fostering informed debate on important
national issues in science and technology and has done a lot of
work on the climate change issue over the past decade. As President
of the Academy, I am pleased, therefore, to open the debate on
Bill Kininmonth's book with a few observations on the science
of climate change, on the use of the science in policy formulation
and, most importantly, on the theme and content of the book.
I must say, at the outset, that when Hugh Morgan phoned me
with the proposition that I might launch Bill's book, I felt some
reservations. It was only when he added that "you don't have
to agree with it to launch it" that my reservations receded
just enough to make it seem like a good idea at the time. As it
turned out, Hugh's advice was both insightful and helpful because
Bill has written a provocative book and, despite the strength
and clarity of its message, its readability and its value as a
guide to some of the basic science of climate, there are significant
parts of it with which I strongly disagree.
There is of course no shortage of competent people, these days,
providing expert comment on the science of climate change:
- The first group is the largest and probably the most boring.
It is the mainstream climate community who understand the science
pretty well and believe that they have an obligation to present
a balanced view of what is known and what is not known in language
that can be understood by the non expert. They try to present
an objective assessment of both the certainties and the uncertainties
and inevitably leave those who are looking for an unequivocal
'is it' or 'isn't it' feeling rather frustrated ;
- The second group are the fervent believers who have become
so convinced that, without drastic action, the world is headed
towards climatic catastrophe, that they feel bound to do whatever
it takes to get the message across to governments and the community.
If they---the fervent believers turned greenhouse zealots---have
to dramatise a bit to make people pay attention, they see that
as justified by the seriousness of the threat;
- The third group are the committed sceptics who are convinced
that the greenhouse zealots and even the mainstream scientists
have got it wrong, and who feel bound to caution against precipitate
action that might impose large costs on the community for addressing
what they (the sceptics) believe to be, almost certainly, a non-problem.
There is also, of course, a much larger group of well-intentioned
non-expert commentators who have become sufficiently convinced
by the arguments of the greenhouse zealots, or the sceptics, that
they feel bound to weigh in, in support of one side or the other;
and another group, again, who have vested interest in climate
change mitigation action, or inaction, and who feel justified
in championing the science that supports their interests and discrediting
that which does not.
For my part, I believe very strongly that the role of the climate
science community is to present the state of the science as accurately
and objectively as they can without either over- or understating
the level of confidence or the seriousness of the risk. I have
thus become very committed to ensuring the integrity of peer-review
mechanisms such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) that are aimed at providing governments and the community
at large with policy-neutral assessments of the state of the science.
I can understand those whose interests the science does not support
seeking to discredit its conclusions but I have some difficulty
when those in the scientific community, from whom the community-at-large
is entitled to expect objectivity, use their scientific credibility
to promote a policy agenda by selective interpretation of the
How then do I view Bill Kininmonth's book which, after a distinguished
40-year professional career in climate, he tells us "demonstrates
that the simple model of the climate system represented by the
IPCC is inadequate as a foundation for future planning".
Let me start with the title. However provocative it was intended
to be, I do not think there is anything wrong with the title of
the book. If one adopts the definition of 'climate change' used
by the IPCC (ie 'climate change' includes both natural variability
and human induced change) rather than that of the Framework Convention
on Climate Change (FCCC) (viz 'climate change' is only that part
of the change which is due to human influence) there is little
doubt that one of the most dangerous natural hazards we face is,
indeed, climate change. We have only to recall the impacts of
the Federation Drought on early twentieth century Australia, the
'dust bowl' years in the United States or the prolonged drought
in the African Sahel in the 1960's and 70's to grasp the scale
of the hazard. But even if Bill and his publishers were being
cute in their choice of title, this is much more than terminological
nit-picking; because, when the IPCC reports that the climate has
changed, this does not, in any way, rule out the possibility that
the change may be due entirely to the natural variability that
Bill, appropriately in my view, emphasises so strongly in his
book. Attributing the observed change to greenhouse or some other
cause is a much tougher scientific problem as the IPCC has made
clear. Unfortunately, however, when most people hear that the
IPCC says the climate has changed they are encouraged (by almost
everyone, including Bill) to interpret this as the IPCC claiming
that humans have changed the climate and by many (also including
Bill) to then rise in indignation that such a claim should be
made with so little firm scientific evidence.
In turning, now, to the content of the book, I would like to
begin by mentioning a few key points of agreement. Bill, as I
understand him, believes that:
- The earth's climate system is exceedingly complex with natural
variability on many time and space scales. I agree and so does
the IPCC.
- There is a natural greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and,
other things being equal, more greenhouse gases means a stronger
greenhouse effect. I agree and so does the IPCC.
- The concentration of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere has been increasing over the past century.
I agree and so does the IPCC.
- Climate records clearly identify a warming trend at the surface,
around the globe during the 20th century. I agree and so does
the IPCC.
- It is essential to take account of the full three-dimensional
structure of the atmosphere and ocean and the physical processes
that lead to variability and trends on all time scales when building
predictive models for the global climate system. I agree and
so, I am sure, does the IPCC.
- There is a need to build both a better understanding of past
variations of climate and improved predictive tools if we are
going to prepare for the future. I agree and so, I am sure, does
the IPCC.
Where we begin to diverge is that I believe the models are
now remarkably good at simulating most of the essential climate
forming processes in the atmosphere and the ocean and even the
behaviour of the total climate system at the global scale. And,
though I would not have said so a decade ago, I now believe, as
does the IPCC, that there is no more than a one in three chance
that the observed global warming over the past century is entirely
natural in origin.
I would like to say a few words about the book's interpretation
of the debate on global temperature trends on the basis of both
proxy and instrumental data over the past thousand years and Bill's
sense of outrage at the conclusion in the IPCC's Third Assessment
Report in 2001 that "the increase in temperatures in the
20th century is likely to have been the largest of any century
during the past 1000 years". I am sure that the scientific
debate on the so-called 'hockey stick' and the interpretation
of both the proxy and instrumental records will go on for years
but, given that the IPCC Lead Authors were very careful to say
only that they were confident that there is at least a 66% chance
that the past century has been the warmest of the past millennium,
I believe that his outrage is misplaced and his summary dismissal
of the IPCC conclusions as 'unreliable' is, to use his own word,
a little simplistic.
Let me come, now, to the major thesis of Bill's book: that
the treatment of the essential physics of the climate system,
in the IPCC's Third Assessment Report, is inadequate for the purposes
of assessing the impact of greenhouse gas increases on global
climate and that "The evidence advanced by the IPCC, that
human activity will cause dangerous inference with the climate
system, is illusory". I offer just three observations:
- Bill appears to have difficulty with the concept of focussing
on the impact of an enhanced greenhouse effect on the vertical
temperature structure of the atmosphere (and thus on surface
warming) in terms of global integrals or averages---the so-called
one dimensional model of the heat budget of the atmosphere and
ocean. He seems to believe that this somehow overlooks the role
of all the horizontal energy transfer processes (especially between
the equator and the poles) that he correctly regards as an integral
part of the working of the climate system.
- I believe his concern is misplaced and that he is almost
alone in the climate science community in not acknowledging the
value of the one-dimensional radiative forcing framework as a
useful pedagogical tool for summarising the essential output
of the three-dimensional global climate models that build in
all the physical processes he believes are important.
- I firmly believe that these are issues that Bill should have
been debating with the relevant scientific experts. In line with
the long-standing advice of one of Australia's most respected
atmospheric scientists, the late Dr Bill Priestley of CSIRO,
I support vigorous debate on such complex and controversial issues
within the scientific community but I believe we should exercise
great care and balance when communicating the state of the science
to the community at large. These are not, in my view, issues
that are likely to be clarified by assertions in books intended
for the non-expert general reader or by reviews of such books
in the popular press and certainly not by book launches such
as this one.
While I can understand, and to some extent share, Bill's frustration
with the faith that is sometimes placed in the output of global
climate models---including the significance of agreement amongst
models---and especially in their capacity to indicate possible
future REGIONAL patterns of climate change, it is important to
note that, in this respect, he is not alone in his concern. The
IPCC Third Assessment Report itself goes to considerable lengths
to stress the limitations of current models especially in respect
of their ability to indicate future regional patterns of climate
For my part, I believe it unlikely that even the best models
are yet sophisticated enough to capture all the processes that
will determine where and how frequently significant rain-producing
events will occur in a greenhouse-warmed world. I also believe
that we have , as yet, so little skill in predicting the natural
variability of climate on decadal to centennial timescales that
we simply cannot say how the patterns of natural and human induced
change might cancel or reinforce each other at the regional and
local level over coming decades and centuries.
If Bill Kininmonth's purpose in emphasising the limitations
of the global climate models was to caution against taking their
output too much on faith, and to focus attention on the need to
improve them, I think he is playing a useful role and one which
I fully support.
But I believe that Bill goes much too far and, for whatever
reason, misinterprets and/or misrepresents some important aspects
of the science of climate change that are now pretty well understood.
At least thirty times in the book he asserts, albeit in slightly
different language in each place, that what he refers to as the
one-dimensional IPCC construct of radiative forcing of climate
change is fundamentally flawed. He makes much of the well known
three-dimensional structure of atmospheric processes and energy
flows in the climate system and implies that these have been overlooked
by the IPCC. I offer two specific comments on Bill's characterisation
of the IPCC:
- The IPCC is not, as Bill implies and many appear to have
been lead to believe, some ideologically committed group of scientists
with a particular position or perspective on the science which
they seek to promote. Rather it is a highly transparent process,
supervised by governments, which enables the contemporary state
of knowledge of climate change as it emerges from the peer-reviewed
published literature to be summarised and assessed by a representative
group of the internationally acknowledged experts in the field
with their summary assessment subject to one of the most exhaustive
processes of peer review and revision that I believe has ever
occurred in the international scientific community. The IPCC
doesn't have a construct, a model, an ideology or a pre-determined
position. It is simply an inter-governmentally coordinated scientific
assessment mechanism for producing in summary form, for use by
policymakers, a synthesis of the state of the science as it appears
in the literature with particular attention to the identification
of points on which there is a high level of scientific agreement
in the literature and those on which there is little agreement
or little confidence in what is agreed.
- Bill is wrong to assert or imply that the model results on
which the IPCC assessments are based don't take account of all
the various three dimensional energy transfer processes that
he argues are so important. He is seriously misleading in his
belittling as 'one-dimensional' of the IPCC's use of globally
averaged versions of the energy budget (which, have the tremendous
advantage of making it possible to focus in on only those considerations
that capture the essential physics of global warming---the enhanced
greenhouse effect) as a pedagological device for helping non-experts
to understand the basic mechanisms of global change.
It has not been my intention here to try to produce any sort
of scientific review of Bill's book. But I believe it is very
important that the expert scientific community does review it
very thoroughly and helps to clarify the issues that have caused
Bill so much concern---rather than just ignore it as the product
of ideology or misreading of the IPCC reports. By the same token,
however, I think it is a shame that, before writing his book,
Bill did not try to test his interpretation of the science through
publication of his criticism of the IPCC methodology and conclusions
in the peer-review literature.
So is the Kininmonth book on Climate Change itself something
of a natural hazard---for those who want to believe that greenhouse
isn't an issue and who will gain false reassurance from its strident
criticism of the IPCC conclusions; or, for that matter, for those
who share his concern with better understanding the natural variability
of climate and who will see his important message about the need
to focus on planning for future natural changes in climate at
risk of being discredited as no more soundly based than his interpretation
of the science of global warming? I think not because, with the
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report now underway and due for completion
in 2007, it is important that all perspectives be properly heard
and debated before the essential conclusions of the next assessment
get set in concrete. I hope, however, that, if Bill decides to
produce a second edition of his book, he will recognise that one
doesn't have to dismiss almost everything that is understood about
greenhouse warming in order to make the case for the importance
of the natural variability of climate; and that he will see no
need to characterise as 'nonsense', 'bizarre' or 'beggaring belief'
the consensus judgements of the mainstream scientific community
on the contemporary state of knowledge of anthropogenic climate
change and allow his book to be what a book titled 'Climate Change:
A Natural Hazard' written for a general audience, could usefully
be---a timely exposition of the importance for humanity of the
large, and still largely unpredictable, natural variability of
climate on timescales from decades to centuries, millennia and
I would, of course, be delighted to launch such a book for
him---without reservations of any kind.
In the mean time, I wish him well and hope that the publication
of his book will trigger the kind of debate that will lead to
more long-term enlightenment than short-term heat. I have great
pleasure in declaring Bill's book on 'Climate Change: A Natural
Hazard' launched.
22 November 2004
To read the author's launching speech for Climate Change: A Natural Hazard,
please click here
For details of how to order Climate
Change: A Natural Hazard, please click here
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