Forum 2008: The Solar System and Earth's Climate: Introduction
Ray Evans
The first part of our forum was devoted to papers introducing the work of Rhodes Fairbridge, an internationally distinguished scientist who was born in Australia, but who, regrettably (from Australia's point of view), spent most of his working life in the US.
Richard Mackey gave a paper discussing Fairbridge's pioneering work on the connection between the earth's climate and the interaction of the sun with the Jovian planets. Cliff Ollier, who got to know Fairbridge extremely well, gives a personal account of their relationship, and Ewan Tyler, who was a student at the University of Western Australia during Fairbridge's time there, provides us with a student's view of what he was like.
These three papers will bring the life of Rhodes Fairbridge to a wider Australian audience.
Richard Mackey, Rhodes W Fairbridge [PDF]
Cliff Ollier, Memories of Rhodes Fairbridge [HTML]
Ewan Tyler, Rhodes Fairbridge: A Pioneer of Climate Change [HTML]
Lavoisier the Man Bio and Image |
Click above for latest SOHO sunspot images. Click here for David Archibald on solar cycles. |
Where is that pesky greenhouse signature? Click here for David Evans's article. |